
Bible Study 11:00 AM - Fellowship 12:00 -12:30 Pm - Afternoon Preaching 12:30-1:30 PM

by: David Hethorn



This morning’s meditation took me the 84th Psalm where David said, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."

I began to think about this doorkeeper, and realized that his job would be very lonely, tedious and unrewarding from a human standpoint. He would have to tolerate the days of summer heat and the cold long, lonely nights of winter. He would be overlooked at best and looked down upon by most because he was a slave. He had no heritage, no wealth, even the bed he slept on and the cloths he wore were not his own but provided for by his Master.

But oh, what a Master. He was a King and a kind, merciful King at that. Such a King never overlooked his servants but rather gave to them abundantly for their service. The poor doorkeeper was such because he was appointed to that duty by the Great and Merciful King and though poor, he never wants for his necessary daily care. 

But this poor doorkeeper’s life does not end with an legacy for he is made a son of the King, and the Lord God becomes to him a “sun and a shield,” and “no good thing will be withholden from them that walk uprightly.” 

The other choice this doorkeeper had was to dwell in the tents of the wicked. To dwell, would show that he had a choice to live and be comfortable in his life living among the wicked. But the true believer, the one who truly loves the Lord Jesus can’t stand to be among the wicked. They don’t want to “live” there. Like Lot when he lived in Sodom, his soul was vexed everyday with the wicked. 

There are many professed believers living “in” the world or rather like the world and seem never to be vexed in their heart and soul about. Makes me wonder about their “profession.” 


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This morning’s meditation took me the 84th Psalm where David said, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."

I began to think about this doorkeeper, and realized that his job would be very lonely, tedious and unrewarding from a human standpoint. He would have to tolerate the days of summer heat and the cold long, lonely nights of winter. He would be overlooked at best and looked down upon by most because he was a slave. He had no heritage, no wealth, even the bed he slept on and the cloths he wore were not his own but provided for by his Master.

But oh, what a Master. He was a King and a kind, merciful King at that. Such a King never overlooked his servants but rather gave to them abundantly for their service. The poor doorkeeper was such because he was appointed to that duty by the Great and Merciful King and though poor, he never wants for his necessary daily care. 

But this poor doorkeeper’s life does not end with an legacy for he is made a son of the King, and the Lord God becomes to him a “sun and a shield,” and “no good thing will be withholden from them that walk uprightly.” 

The other choice this doorkeeper had was to dwell in the tents of the wicked. To dwell, would show that he had a choice to live and be comfortable in his life living among the wicked. But the true believer, the one who truly loves the Lord Jesus can’t stand to be among the wicked. They don’t want to “live” there. Like Lot when he lived in Sodom, his soul was vexed everyday with the wicked. 

There are many professed believers living “in” the world or rather like the world and seem never to be vexed in their heart and soul about. Makes me wonder about their “profession.” 


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